February 14, Governor Markell signed into law House Bill No. 154, amending
Titles 16 and 24 of the Delaware Code, as another action to help curb
prescription drug abuse and diversion in Delaware. The law creates a new criminal offense and
imposes penalties for diverting prescription drugs from a patient in a
facility. More specifically, the law
includes in the definition of “abuse” medication diversion “by knowingly, or
intentionally, interrupting, obstructing, or altering the delivery or
administration, of a prescription drug to a patient or resident” so long as the
drug was prescribed or ordered by a healthcare provider for the patient or
resident and where the diversion occurred without a prescription or order of a
healthcare provider.
The law allows for a safe harbor of
sorts, providing that a person is justified in diverting the prescription drug
if the person is a healthcare provider who acted in good faith within the scope
of his/her practice and/or employment, or if the person was acting in good
faith while rendering emergency care at the scene of an emergency of
accident. This safe harbor may raise
issues about the scope of practice of particular health care providers and the
existence of written and/or verbal orders to stop the administration of a drug.
If a person knowingly causes
medication diversion of a patient or resident, the person shall be guilty of a
class G felony. If the person is a
healthcare professional, he/she shall be guilty of a class F felony. Delaware healthcare providers who work in
facilities should clarify their scope of practice and employment related to the
interruption of prescription medications, even if only temporarily.